How to change wallpaper on smartwatch

How to change wallpaper on smartwatch

The internet has become such a big place for information and the information itself has become so cheap or free, that we often do not want to use our heads while searching. The question ‘how to change wallpaper on smartwatch’ is one such question. There can be two meanings of this statement or question - one is that someone out there really wants to change the wallpaper and the second one would be to change the way the smartwatch shows us time - watchface. 

The Process:

Let us break it to you first- there is no wallpaper for smartwatches. Disappointed? Don’t be! Instead, there are ‘watchfaces’. So, wallpaper is called ‘watchface’ when it is about your smartwatch. This ‘watchface’ is very easy to change. Let us go through the process:

  1. First start WiFi and Bluetooth on your smartwatch.

  2. Do the same for your smartphone.

  3. Now, we presume that you already have the smartwatch companion software installed on your smartphone. If not, find the software suitable or compatible with your smart devices.

  4. Now, pair your smartwatch and smartphone.

  5. Now your app should automatically sync with your smartwatch.

  6. In your app, there will be an option called watch face or something similar. When you sync your smartwatch with this app, your smartwatch will be able to download the ‘watchfaces’ available by default.

  7. Go to settings of the smartwatch, find an option that allows you to customize your smartwatch. Every smartwatch may have a different name for this option but generally, it allows you to change the watch face.

  8. You can choose the watch face you like from the watchface store and set it.


We hope that you have got an idea about how to change wallpaper on smartwatch. Hope it was helpful for you.

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