How To Fix a Smartwatch That Won’t Turn On [11 Easy Way]

How To Fix a Smartwatch That Won’t Turn On [11 Easy Way]

If your watch isn't working, it's possible that it's not charging properly or has some other problem. Here are the 11 best ways to get the problem resolved. 

1. Start Your Smartwatch Using Force Restart:

For starters, you can do a hard reset on your smartwatch to clean its memory and shut down all running processes. Your Smartwatch's battery is disconnected from its components when you force a restart. If you have an Apple Watch or a Wear OS smartwatch, the process is the same. The crown of your Watch is typically used as a power button.

2. Your smartwatch needs to be charged:

In many cases, wearables fail because their owners do not take good care of them. For several days, a smartwatch looks to be dead if it is not charged.

Plug in the charging wire to your Smartwatch (Wear OS or Apple Watch or Android Watch) and the adapter to a power outlet to begin charging.

Using another charging method for the Watch is not advised in this situation. The wireless charger that came with the Watch when you bought it from the shop should be used instead.

Keep your watch in the correct position while it is charging. Before attempting to turn on your Smartwatch, make sure it is fully charged for at least an hour.

3. Is the charger for your smartwatch defective or broken?

You may have tried charging your Smartwatch multiple times but it still won't turn on, so it may be defective.

Physical damage to your charger could render it inoperable. Make sure your smartwatch charger is in good condition by exposing it to the light. Be sure to inspect the wiring's surroundings for any loose connections as well.

4. Ensure that the charger and watch connections are clean:

After connecting your charger into a different power source, your Smartwatch still won't charge.

You can use a cotton swab or a can of compressed air to clean your Watch's charging receiver and connector. Recharge the Smartwatch and see if that fixes the issue.

5. Examine Your Smartwatch for Physical Damage:

Your Smartwatch won't work if it's broken. As a first step, check the Smartwatch's body for any signs of physical harm.

This is the most likely cause of your Watch not turning on if you find any broken connections or damaged areas on its body.

6. Your Power Button Is Not Working

Your Smartwatch's power button may be broken. When your Smartwatch's button is damaged, it won't turn on no matter how much battery life it has or how hard you press.

Yur Smartwatch's power button may lose efficiency and durability. This problem is more likely with cheap smartwatches.

Even high-end smartwatches can do this. Unintentional button presses can trigger this. The button stops working.

7. Switch to a different power outlet

Because it is not charged, your Smartwatch does not turn on the majority of the time. Most likely, your current power outlet isn't working properly, which prevents the Watch from charging. As a result, you should try changing your Watch's power socket.

It's possible that your power outlet is broken or inoperable. If that doesn't work, try plugging your charger into a different power outlet; if that doesn't work, your charger is defective.

8. Using a Laptop to Charge

Users who had the same issue were able to fix it by charging their Smartwatch via a laptop instead of a direct power source.

It's not a problem to give it a chance. So go ahead and give it a shot.

9. Place your watch in the Dock Cradle.

If none of the above options work, many smartwatch users recommend leaving the Watch on the docking cradle for an hour or two without charging it.

The Watch will turn on on its own. If it doesn't work, try charging the Watch and seeing if it now turns on.

10. Reset Your Watch from Factory Settings:

If all else fails, you may want to try resetting the Watch. Follow these procedures to perform a factory reset on your Smartwatch:

  • Continue to hold down the Power button until you see the message 'Rebooting' appear on the screen.
  • Then press and hold the Power button until you see the message "Select Reboot mode.".
  • Go through each option on the Power button until you get to Recover.
  • Continue to hold down the Power button while selecting the Recovery option until your smartwatch restarted successfully. Give it a few minutes to finish rebooting so you may use your Watch as normal again.

11. Ensure that your Smartwatch is up to date:

If your Smartwatch does not turn on after you've tried everything I mentioned in this article, it might have been physically damaged.

Take your Smartwatch to a repair shop for the final shot at a perfect score. This was inevitable, weren't you?

To discover a nearby smartwatch repair shop, type "Smartwatch store near me" into Google.

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